1 CPU处理性能瓶颈-散热技术
温度过高会导致 CPU 损坏。热来源→晶体管运算,晶体管密度⬆,速度⬆
发热:目前 intel i7-965 已超过130瓦,电子设备的失效 55%是由于过热引起。
intel 在 其技术论坛中提及,由于线宽进人纳米尺度时,其漏电流与散热问题迟迟无法获得一个妥善的解决方案 , 因此暂时放弃开发更高主频率的 CPU,而转向发展双核心甚至多核心 CPU。 即使如此,散热问题也只是暂时得到缓解 ,单个 CPU 的发热量仍会持续增加,散热面临挑战更大。
2.导热能力显著提升:焊接导热,铜热系数 (200-400Wm.k)远大于普通导热硅脂导热系数(1-2Wm.k),导热能力显著提升。
2 CPU处理性能瓶颈-未来趋势
2020年9月Nature 发表一篇关于热管理的文章,明确指出,一体化,集成化的散热思想为未来热管理的趋势“Substantial research efforts have focused on improving the thermal path between the hotspot and the coolant. However, heat extraction capability is fundamentally limited by the thermal resistance between the semiconductor die and packaging”.
3 CPU处理性能瓶颈-结构与应用
4 CPU处理性能瓶颈-散热测试
图为鲁大师温度压力测试结果,二者均无风扇降温图a为焊接后的CPU温度压力测试结果,图b为普通导热硅脂升温曲线,二者对比之下,使用本技术的CPU焊接散热效果明显优于市售的导热硅脂(导热系数3-6W/ms), 使用本技术的笔记本经过200s左右达到报警温度(83℃),而相同条件下使用市售导热硅脂的笔记本则用60s左右达到同样报警温度。
5 CPU处理性能瓶颈-难度挑战
Due to imperfections in surface topography, a thermal interface material (TIM1) is typically used to reduce the contact resistance between silicon die and lid, to fill the gaps between the two imperfect surfaces. Under high magnification, even polished surfaces exhibit surface roughness sufficient for disruption of heat flow across the contacting interfaces.
Polymer based materials are commonly used as TIM1 for heat conduction across the interface. Polymer TIM comprises of conductive filler particles in a polymer matrix. Since most polymer matrix has very poor thermal conductivity, the heat conduction is mainly through the intimate contact between the filler particles,Therefore, it is easy to understand that why a 100% metal or solder TIM has much higher thermal conductivity than a polymer base TIM.
We present a welding integrated cooling structure combining heat sink and a single-crystalline silicon CPU die, produced with the need for low room temperature CPU metallization firstly and welding to the heat sink subsequently.
The layer has to absorb strain resulting from the mismatch of coefficients of thermal expansion (CTE) of the die, substrate and the integrated heat sink during temperature cycling. Figure a and b is microstructure of metallization surface , figure c is the cross-section between silicon die and metallization layer, the porous structure may release the thermal strain during temperature cycling.
6 CPU处理性能瓶颈-社会需求
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