This fix just for flotherm v6.1--7.1 and floemc v6.1--7.1 of win32 version
1, open license.dat with notepad and replace "yourhost" by your true hostname, and save it.
2, put the license.dat into ..\flomerics\Flexlm10.8\WinXP folder.
仅修订 your_host 或 this_host字段
3, flomerics suite 6,
copy Flomericsfix.COM into
and ..\flomerics\flosuite_v61\common\WinXP\lib folder
and run the file. it will fix all files ....
4, flomerics suite 7 copy Flomericsfix.COM into ..\flomerics\flosuite_v71\common\WinXP\bin\
and ..\flomerics\flosuite_v71\common\WinXP\dp_bin\
and ..\flomerics\flosuite_v71\common\WinXP\lib\
and ..\flomerics\flosuite_v71\common\WinXP\sp_bin\
folders and run the file. it will fix all files ....
5, set FLOLIC=27000@yourhost
您还需要设置一个环境变量FLOLIC。具体操作:右键点击“我的电脑”,在弹出的菜单中选择“属性”—〉“高级”—〉“环境变量”,然后在“用户变量” 中新建一个变量名为“FLOLIC”的环境变量,
6, run flexlm manager to start flexlm ....
进入开始菜单的Programs(程序项),选择Flomerics项下的License Manager Tools。
选择“Configuration using Services”,然后再选择“ConfigService”标签。将Service Name由“FLEXlm License Manager”改为“Flomerics LicenseManager”;
点击“Path to the lmgrd.exe file”的Browse浏览键转到..\flomerics\Flexlm10.8\winxp目录并选择lmgrd.exe;
点击“Path to the license file”的Browse 浏览键转到..\flomerics目录并选择“license.lic”;
点击“Path to the debug.log file”的Browse浏览键转到任何你想放置log文件的目录并选择它;
在Use Services选项下面打勾,然后在Start Server at Power-Up下面打勾;
点击“Save Service”确认以上修改;
选择Start/Stop/Reread标签,然后点击“Start”按钮,您会看到窗口底部的状态栏显示信息:Server Start Successful。
7, enjoy it!!!
crack.rar (3.27 KB)