




本帖最后由 小家2004 于 2020-10-30 16:59 编辑

1. 我使用的软件是ansys 19.0里的icepak,硬件工程师使用的是Cadence17.2,
在BLOCKS的ECAD geometry中,我将brd格式的文件导入ICEPAK,出现以下警告,

警告说是 "could not find application extracta.exe "
但是我在D:\Cadence\SPB_17.2\tools\bin  发现有extracta.exe,请问怎么解决?

2. 在E:\product\F4280R\F4280R_icepak\F4280R_icepak_files\dp0\IPK\Icepak\IcepakProj 里有个文件import_log
Icepak version: 19.0
ECAD Import version: R19.0_58da73b Aug 14 2017
Import filename: E:/product/F4280R/F4280R_icepak/f5280r_am1a_080218.brd
Check out license for Icepak
Begin ECAD conversion...
Set ECADTranslator paths...
Converting Cadence to EDB...
Copying file E:/product/F4280R/F4280R_icepak/f5280r_am1a_080218.brd to C:\Users\Home\AppData\Local\Temp\f5280r_am1a_080218.brd
Creating control file...
Finished created control file
EDB directory: C:\Users\Home\AppData\Local\Temp\af69-383f-39a9-da3d.aedb
Import Error: Could not create EDB directory
Import Error: Error converting Cadence to EDB
Import Error: extract(a) executable not found
Warning: Could not extract Cadence diestack information

Check in license for Icepak


参考《ANSYS Icepak Users Guide》6.6.2. Importing Trace Files,必须安装Cadence Allegro,并且按照以下要求设置环境变量。

• BRD/MCM import uses your Cadence installation and accesses local environment variables that
were automatically set during the Cadence installation. If you are accessing Cadence across your
network instead of locally, you will need to set additional environment variables. For example,
if your Cadence installation is located in the mapped network location V:\SPB_16.6, add the following variables:
set CDSROOT=V:\SPB_16.6
set PATH=%PATH%;V:\SPB_16.6\tools\pcb\bin;V:\SPB_16.6\tools\bin
• On Linux, you must include the following paths to the Cadence software in your search paths:
Refer to the Cadence Installation Guide for more details.
• Cadence, ODB++, and binary ANF import require the installation of ECADTranslators.
• When you import traces using option 2, the board has to be first imported in the XY plane. All
subsequent transformations (translation, rotation or mirroring) of the board can then be started
from the default XY plane. When you import traces using option 1, the board can be imported
in any of the three planes: XY, YZ, or XZ. The board can then be translated, rotated or mirrored
similar to the previous case.

QQ: 327980090
微信: xioajia2004


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dengjie0 2019-1-31 17:12:06 显示全部楼层
Adley_Fang 2018-9-13 11:37:11 显示全部楼层
vin 2018-10-15 14:38:16 显示全部楼层
sunmoon 2018-10-23 18:40:16 显示全部楼层
我们硬件是奥腾导出来的 brd pro 然后icepak中 点击  import--IDF file --new   没有问题。你可以试试
shiguojin27 2019-3-13 13:52:22 显示全部楼层
dengjie0 2019-3-13 17:36:57 显示全部楼层
icepak 19好像确认有这个问题,我电脑上之前用16是OK的,现在换了icepak19就无法导入brd了。
 楼主| 小家2004 2019-5-14 16:16:23 显示全部楼层
参考《ANSYS Icepak Users Guide》6.6.2. Importing Trace Files,必须安装Cadence Allegro,并且按照以下要求设置环境变量。

• BRD/MCM import uses your Cadence installation and accesses local environment variables that
were automatically set during the Cadence installation. If you are accessing Cadence across your
network instead of locally, you will need to set additional environment variables. For example,
if your Cadence installation is located in the mapped network location V:\SPB_16.6, add the following variables:
set CDSROOT=V:\SPB_16.6
set PATH=%PATH%;V:\SPB_16.6\tools\pcb\bin;V:\SPB_16.6\tools\bin
• On Linux, you must include the following paths to the Cadence software in your search paths:
Refer to the Cadence Installation Guide for more details.
• Cadence, ODB++, and binary ANF import require the installation of ECADTranslators.
• When you import traces using option 2, the board has to be first imported in the XY plane. All
subsequent transformations (translation, rotation or mirroring) of the board can then be started
from the default XY plane. When you import traces using option 1, the board can be imported
in any of the three planes: XY, YZ, or XZ. The board can then be translated, rotated or mirrored
similar to the previous case.

QQ: 327980090
微信: xioajia2004
Hooks 2020-2-27 09:51:19 手机版 显示全部楼层
安彬 2020-4-1 21:25:15 显示全部楼层
我今天刚遇到这个问题,我怀疑是brd文件被加密软件加密了。不光这个,DM中导入step文件,如果加密了的话,也是出错的。导入没有加密的brd和step 不存在这个问题
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