



谁有ANSYS ICEPAK 12.0版破解

ANSYS ICEPAK 12.0版更新的功能的确更强大,就是没破解版...

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chooyu 2011-5-1 08:46:14 显示全部楼层


冷冷冷 2011-5-1 08:46:14 显示全部楼层

Talking Points for Press Release: ANSYS Releases ANSYS Icepak 12.0

ANSYS® Icepak® technology is part of the ANSYS suite of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software.  ANSYS Icepak software provides robust and powerful CFD technology for electronics thermal management. The 12.0 release includes new features for meshing complex geometry, new capabilities for printed circuit board (PCB) and package thermal analysis, and new physical modeling capabilities. New capabilities include:
?        New automatic multi-level meshing
?        New Cartesian hex-dominant meshing
?        Integration of ANSYS® Iceboard® and ANSYS® Icechip® capabilities into ANSYS Icepak
?        New PCB trace Joule heating modeling capability
?        A new link between electromagnetics and thermal analysis for board and package thermal effects via SIwave? software

ANSYS Icepak 12.0 enables engineers to rapidly create highly accurate simulation models to evaluate electronics cooling issues.

Benefit to ANSYS
ANSYS has significantly enhanced the depth and breadth of the ANSYS Icepak offering. ANSYS Icepak 12.0 represents a single integrated platform for package, board and system-level thermal analysis. The integration of these into one integrated package streamlines sales along with the customer’s purchasing process.

ANSYS also has significantly expanded the multiphysics simulation capabilities of ANSYS Icepak software. A new link with SIwave technology allows customers to import Joule heating based on board and package DC power loss from SIwave 4.0. The link to SIwave provides cross-selling opportunities for the ANSYS Icepak customer base to add SIwave, and for the SIwave customer base to add ANSYS Icepak.

Benefit to CAD/CAE Audience
The main benefit to a general CAD/CAE audience is that, by using this technology from ANSYS, they also get a company that can address their complete multiphysics simulation needs for electronics. ANSYS Icepak technology in conjunction with SIwave and ANSYS® Mechanical? tools provides a full portfolio of software to meet the electrical, thermal and structural simulation requirements of the electronics design engineer.

The new meshing algorithms in ANSYS Icepak enable customers to rapidly create high-fidelity electronics cooling models, dramatically reducing in product development time. The new capabilities for modeling PCB trace Joule heating improve simulation accuracy for the thermal analysis of printed circuit boards.

Impact on the competition
ANSYS has taken another step forward in separating itself from the competition; there is no competitor that offers the high fidelity electrical, thermal and structural simulations required to meet the simulation needs of the electronics industry. With the addition of the new meshing options, ANSYS Icepak continues to lead Mentor Graphics FloTHERM in the ability to accurately represent complex geometry for electronic assemblies.

ANSYS 2011-5-1 08:46:15 显示全部楼层


icepak 2011-5-1 08:46:15 显示全部楼层


chooyu 2011-5-1 08:46:15 显示全部楼层

liyumaster ,驴上有ansys 12不过里头的包里有icepak?没注意看还是没看到。。。。。duanfei_xaut我们去年九月买的,现在可以升到12??

9738 2011-5-1 08:46:15 显示全部楼层


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