



实验测试 怎样理解“热边界层”的产生原因



一般情况下,热边界层的厚度也与速度边界层的厚度相当,但是两者并不相等;速度边界层与热边界层厚度的相对大小,即,取决于流体的普朗特数 。


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Magic 2011-5-1 09:19:26 显示全部楼层


Yes, the thermal boundary layer exists because of combination of diffusion of energy by liquid particles(the rate is determined the thermal diffusivity of the liquid), and the so-called convective heat transfer due to the movement of liquid particles(momentum diffusion),which exchange the thermal energy between adjacent layers of particles.

The magnitudes of these two diffusion mechanisms are compared using Pr number, which is v/a. v is the kinematic viscosity, and a is thermal diffusivity.

If there is no flow, then there is only thermal diffusion existing, e.g., purely heat conduction.

The length of any diffusion is L = (k*t)^0.5, where k is general diffusivity with unit of m^2/s, and t is time: the physical meaning is for a given time, such diffusion happens within a length of L defined by above equation.

So for momentum boundary layer thickness delta_m is around  (v*t)^0.5, while here t = L/V, v is kinematic viscosity,L is the plate length and V is the coming velocity, so delta_m ~ (v*L/V)^0.5, which is the same expression usually derived from any textbooks.

Since thermal boundary layer is partly because of momentum boundary, it's must be a function of both Re and Pr numbers.   


久而旧 2011-5-1 09:19:26 显示全部楼层

既然 热边界层 可以比 速度边界层 厚很多
那么怎么理解 速度边界层 外面的 热边界层 是由于 速度边界层 的存在而产生的呢?

9738 2011-5-1 09:19:26 显示全部楼层


三寸 2011-5-1 09:19:26 显示全部楼层

还是搞不清楚 O(∩_∩)O

chooyu 2011-5-1 09:19:27 显示全部楼层

还是没人来解释啊 O(∩_∩)O

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