



Flotherm Turbulence



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热热热 2013-12-21 10:30:52 显示全部楼层
flotherm 层流,湍流的选择,设置。
一般情况下都是默认就好,没有特意去怎么设置,记得以前看过下flotherm有个培训讲稿介绍过。但不记得哪篇了, 下面是本对话框的帮助文件,一并列出来。希望有哪位高手介绍下:

Turbulence Dialog
To access: PM Model > Turbulence

Use this dialog to define the air flow model.

Turbulence Dialog Settings
Laminar or Turbulent Flow
Choose either:

•Laminar — where the fluid layers move steadily without interference, or
•Turbulent (the default) — where the motion of the fluid layers are affected by irregular, fluctuating and chaotic eddy currents.
For most models of electronic enclosures, whether ventilated using forced or natural convection, the air movement exhibits turbulent motion. Therefore, you should normally activate the turbulent flow option.

Choosing the Turbulence Options
Selecting Turbulence displays a popup menu which allows you to choose one of three turbulence modeling options:

•Revised Algebraic — for accurate treatment at air-solid interfaces.
•Automatic Algebraic (the default) — for program calculated viscosity where the solution domain is highly cluttered with objects.
•LVEL K-Epsilon — as Revised Algebraic, but using the KE model
See Turbulence Viscosity Model in the FloTHERM Background Theory Reference Guide for a mathematical description of the modeling methods.
 楼主| hugo141120 2013-12-27 14:49:01 显示全部楼层
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