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LED灯具的热传导计算模型.rar (132.72 KB)
刘必成 深圳市海洋王投资发展有限公司
Abstract:This paper includes the discussion about the calculation methods of the lighting’s heat transfer. Also the usage of the calculation method of heat resistances in equivalent electrical circuits, by which the difference between the temperature of the attention point inside the lighting and environment temperature can be directly obtained. Such a method is advanced on estimating the feasibility of a heat transfer’s structure. The calculation process has been demonstrated by an example of cooling of an LED lighting in this paper.
Key word: lighting, heat transfer, heat resistance, LED
Luxeon 大功率LED在散热性能方面大大地优于普通的小功率LED,电通道和热通道分离开,它的LED芯片都连接在一个金属的嵌片上,散热性能得到很大的改善。
但是,大功率LED用于特种灯具,或用于恶劣环境使用的灯具,这些灯具的外壳防护等级一般都在IP65以上,如果外壳为非金属(如塑胶)材料,尽管LED连接上了铝基板(MCPCB),但铝基板上的热量如果不能被有效地传导至外壳表面,则聚集的热量会使铝基板的温度急剧上升,导致温度过高,增加了LED失效的可能性,造成LED光衰加剧,寿命缩短。 |