



EFD Pro Surface Plot

The temperature surface plot in my EFD Pro looks a little bit abnormal, as per following attachment.

The highlighted region show highly discontinuous contour, no matter how fine the mesh I used in that region. And no matter how many level of legend I used to display the contour. There is always discontinuity in contour.

Also, there is always discontinuous contour between solid and fluid interface.

I am a user of CFdesign and Icepak as well. I never see this problem when I am using these 2 softwares.

Is it due to the averaging method of EFD Pro? Can I resolve this problem?

Hope somebody can help me on this.
EFD.JPG (222.38 KB)

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大大苹果 2011-5-1 09:32:12 显示全部楼层

It is very hard to me .

大雨 2011-5-1 09:32:12 显示全部楼层

Try the Result resolution
Minimum gap size  and Minimum wall thickness smaller

绿丝绦 2011-5-1 09:32:12 显示全部楼层

study hard 。。
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