
标题: 上海 - 2016德国Kerafol热管理知识研讨会 [打印本页]

作者: smartcaca    时间: 2016-6-2 14:56
标题: 上海 - 2016德国Kerafol热管理知识研讨会
有意向的童鞋可以直接Mail Jack@MCOTI.COM报名或者Call 186 0211 1838.
作者: smartcaca    时间: 2016-6-2 14:58

地点Location : 上海中航泊悦酒店Zhonghang Bo Yue Hotel Shanghai
时间Time: 9:00~16:00   Wed 15.06.2016


Dr. Werner Haas
Head of Engineering and Management
- Material Science Studies
- Over 30 years experience in development thermal management materials
- 20 years experience in management position for thermal management materials and ceramics
Deputy Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Markus Lechner-Mannes
- 30 years experience in electronic industry
- 25 years experience in electronic systems design, power semiconductor and material development
- Several design and management positions in Semiconductor, Photovoltaic and Automotive Industry

Dear Customer,

We are sincerely inviting you and your colleague to attend our Thermal Management Summit.

9:00~9:30     Attendance Registration   
9:30~9:40     Lecturer Introduction
9:40~10:00   General Introduction of Kerafol Company
10:00~11:45 Technical Presentation
1)Basic Knowledge of Thermal Management
2)Workshop of Keratherm Thermal Products
3)Selection Rules of Thermal Interfacial Material (TIM)- Q&A
11:45~13:00  Buffet Lunch
13:00~14:30  Test methods, Reliability test evaluation
Failure Mode of TIM- especially under extreme conditions
14:30~14:50  Tea Break
14:50~16:00  Application & Roadmap
1)Application case study
2)Newest Developments of TIM Materials (Roadmap)- Q&A
作者: admin    时间: 2016-6-2 22:19

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