
标题: 导热硅橡胶的研究进展 [打印本页]

作者: 123    时间: 2011-3-7 23:50
标题: 导热硅橡胶的研究进展
   导热硅橡胶的研究进展.pdf (250.19 KB)
杜茂平,魏伯荣 (西北工业大学高分子研究所,陕西西安,710072)
Progress in Study of Thermal Conductive Silicone Rubber
DU Mao-ping,WEI Bo-rong
(Polymer Institute of Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi’all 7 1 0072,Shanxi,China)
Abstract:The typical theory model and thermal conducting mechanism of therm al conductive silicone rubber were summarized. Meanwhile, the present status of therm al condu-ctive silicone rubber in country and overseas was introduced in detail. Silicone rubber matrix、fillers and process technology were main facts which defined the therm al conductive properties of silicone rubber. However,the conductive properties,adding volume and dissipation types of fillers were critical facts.
Key words:thermal conductive silicone rubber;therm al conducting theory model;therm al conducting mechanism;
therm al conducting filers;Therm al conductivity


1 导热硅橡胶的生产应用现状
导热硅橡胶包括室温硫化的和高温硫化的,其主要用于电子、电器、仪表等行业的弹性粘接、散热、绝缘及密封等(它能够提供系统所需的高弹性和耐热性,又可将系统的热量迅速传递出去)。一般来讲高温硫化导热硅橡胶的导热性要高于室温硫化的,高温硫化导热硅橡胶主要以片的形式来应用,作为垫片或散热片;室温硫化导热硅橡胶主要用于电子、家电等行业需散热部件的粘接和封装等。目前国内生产和销售导热硅橡胶的公司很多,如深圳市正基实业有限公司生产的GO.1715.1系列单组份室温硫化导热液体硅橡胶和深圳邦特电子有限公司生产的3401型单组份室温硫化导热硅橡胶,均具有良好的热传导性、较宽的使用温度范围(一60℃ 一200℃),短期可耐300℃高温,可以替代进口同类产品应用在电子、电器、仪表、汽车等行业的弹性粘接、定位、散热、绝缘及密封使用。

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